thank you xox

I started “a girl in converse” when I was 20 years old. It was a way for me to explore my feelings and sort through life experiences during a time when life changed faster than I could keep up. Now, five years later, I admit that while I don’t have a full grip on things, I do feel a little less lost than I was when I first started it.

All great projects must have a beginning and an end – I believe that. So while I could let this taper off until everyone forgets about it, I would rather just decide to move on. I find myself less inspired by my past and more inspired by my future.

I haven’t owned a pair of converse in a few years now – I just find them too expensive for the quality they offer. I love how they look, but I’m more interested in value rather than image these days. Much like my change in shoe preference, I have also grown in creativity.

In this blog I’ve explored relationships, break-ups, sexual assault, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. As difficult as it was for me to write about some of these topics and experiences, looking back I feel that it was important for me to get through some challenging parts of life that many people in their early 20s can relate to.

I’ve had the wonderful experience of having people I hardly talk to tell me they relate to my blog posts, “even the depressing ones.” I want to thank everyone who supported me while I openly looked inside of myself in the most desperate of times and laid all my dirty laundry out on the line to dry. The truth is, I like cheeseburgers now and I don’t feel so sad. So, many of my former posts just don’t match up with the person I am today.

This isn’t to say I will not write anymore. I still consider myself a big advocate for mental health and continue to work through struggles and challenges. However, I want to open myself up to different ways to be creative, whether it means writing about a different topic or taking on a completely new project.

Thank you for allowing me to be so honest. My major goal in life is to search out the truth and you’ve allowed me to share with you in the process. I hope you were able to find one aspect of my writing to relate to over the years and I hope I didn’t scare you too much when disclosing the inner workings of my brain! Cheers to all of you xox

“a girl in converse”

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